Shimer College Wiki

This is a partial Shimer College reading list, based on the recent version of the core curriculum published here.

Most classes will have slightly different readings, because the curriculum is constantly in flux, and also because instructors enjoy a certain measure of autonomy with respect to the specific texts assigned.

In addition, of course, this does not account for the 1/3 of the curriculum that is made up of electives chosen by students.

Links currently point to relevant Wikipedia articles.

Humanities 1: Art And Music[]

Humanities 2: Poetry, Drama And Fiction[]

Humanities 3: Philosophy And Theology[]

Humanities 4: Modern Currents In The Humanities[]

Social Sciences 1: Society, Culture, And Personality[]

Social Sciences 2: The Western Political Tradition[]

Social Sciences 3: Modern Theories Of Society And Politics[]

Social Sciences 4: Social Perspectives And Social Action[]

Natural Sciences 1: Laws And Models In Chemistry[]

Natural Sciences 2: Evolution, Genetics, Animal Behavior[]

Natural Sciences 3: The Nature Of Light[]

Natural Sciences 4: Modern Scientific Revolutions[]

Integrative Studies 1: Analysis, Logic, and Rhetoric[]

  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper”
  • Raymond Smullyan, excerpt from What Is the Name of This Book?
  • George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”
  • William Shakespeare, Sonnets (in Complete Works, ed. Bevington, or any edition)
  • Galileo Galilei, The Starry Messenger
  • Edwin Abbott, Flatland
  • Constitution of the United States and related documents
  • U.S. Supreme Court cases and related documents
  • Martin Luther King, “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
  • Lewis Thomas, Lives of a Cell
  • Plato, Meno (in Complete Works, ed. Cooper)

Integrative Studies 2: Foundations Of Mathematics And Logic[]

Integrative Studies 5: History And Philosophy Of Western Civilization[]

Integrative Studies 6: History And Philosophy Of Western Civilization[]
