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David Shiner
David shiner 2010 welcome

Full name

David N. Shiner

Alternative names

Dave Shiner

Presence at Shimer


Presence on Earth

1951– [1]


Temple University 1973


Pacific Western University 1983


Mount Carroll-Chicago period faculty

David Shiner is a member of the senior faculty of Shimer College, where he joined the staff in 1976 and the faculty in 1977. He holds the unusual distinction of having taught every one of the 16 courses in the school's core curriculum; he was the first member of the faculty to ever achieve this, in 1998.

Shiner has also served several stints as the Dean of the College (1987-1991, 1996-2001, 2007-2011), and as head of the Oxford study abroad program.

Shimer connections[]



Brief description[]

This brief description is released under the CC0 copyright waiver.

David Shiner is Professor of Humanities and the History of Ideas at Shimer College in Chicago, where he has taught since 1979. He is also a student of baseball history and member of the Society for American Baseball Research; his works include Baseball's Greatest Players: The Saga Continues (2001). Shiner has the unusual distinction of having taught every course in Shimer College's Great Books core curriculum, and has served several terms as Dean of the College and as director of Shimer's Oxford program. (from Shimer College Wiki)


Writings about Shimer[]


Dean David Shiner's 2010 Commencement Address Pt. 1.m4v

Speech by David Shiner at 2010 Shimer College commencement (part 1)


Dean David Shiner's 2010 Commencement Address Pt. 2.m4v

The above article is a biography of a living Shimerian, and is therefore governed by the Wikia and Shimer College Wiki policies on biographies of living people. All information should be verifiable from public sources. The article must not be defamatory or invasive of privacy. Please feel free to improve this page.

This page is part of the Shimer College Wiki, an independent documentation project. Shimer College, the Great Books college of Chicago, is not responsible for its content.

  1. Contemporary Authors, Thomson Gale, 2002.