Shimer College Wiki
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Mark Garrison

Full name

Mark David Garrison

Alternative names

Mark D. Garrison

Presence at Shimer


Presence on Earth



Shimer College 1976


University of Dallas 1978


Emory University 1983


Mount Carroll period alum

Mark Garrison was a student at Shimer College in the late Mount Carroll period, enrolling via early entrance and graduating with honors in 1976.

Brief description[]

This brief description is released under the CC0 copyright waiver.

Mark Garrison (b. 1955) is Dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Morgan State University, and a widely-published author on psychology and administration. He has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching, and pioneered the online teaching of psychology in the early 2000s. Garrison received his undergraduate education at Shimer College, a school with a rigorous Great Books curriculum where he enrolled via early entrance to college. He holds an MA from the University of Dallas and a Ph.D. from Emory University. (from Shimer College Wiki)




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This page is part of the Shimer College Wiki, an independent documentation project. Shimer College, the Great Books college of Chicago, is not responsible for its content.
