Shimer College Wiki
Maquoketa Jackson Sentinel.1887-11-10.Untitled

This is the ocr text of an article from the Thursday, November 10, 1887 issue of the Maquoketa Jackson Sentinel.

Mas. F. A. W. Snmut, of ait. Carroll, proposea tg ^iva her Mt. CRrrollidicialy seminary, ivitb. its buildings, grounds aud fixture, values of .$156,000, free of in-oumbrauce, to the Baptist ladiea ol Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa. The condition a nro Chat aa endowment fun doc $11)0,000 ba raised and that It be continued as a debaol for the higher ed-, uoailou o£ girls. Mrs. Sbtmer catuu west thirty-five years ago ttflh nothing but a good education, and opened a Rchool for girls in a. small room iu Mt. Carroll, from w fetch am all bejtfumnjs it haa srown to tho jjroaporDus inatitatUm oC learnlug that it 13 to-day.
