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David Gochman

Full name

David S. Gochman

Presence at Shimer


Presence on Earth



University of Chicago 1956


University of Chicago 1957 [1]


University of Colorado 1960 [2]


University of Colorado 1962


Mount Carroll period alum

David S. Gochman was a student at Shimer College in the early Great Books period, listed with the class year of 1955. He subsequently received bachelor's degrees from the University of Chicago in 1956 and 1957. Each volume of the Handbook of Health Behavior Research, edited by Gochman, contains an acknowledgment of his Shimer teachers John H. Russel and D. Eldridge McBride.

Brief description[]

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David S. Gochman (b. 1936) is a professor emeritus of social work at the University of Louisville, and an expert on health behavior and health beliefs. He is the editor of all four volumes of the Handbook of Health Behavior Research (Springer), and the author of numerous influential papers in the field. Gochman received his undergraduate education at Shimer College, a Great Books school where he enrolled via early entrance, and completed his bachelor's degrees at the pUniversity of Chicago. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado in 1962. (from Shimer College Wiki)



After completing his undergraduate work at the U of C, Gochman entered graduate school at the University of Colorado in 1957. He later established a scholarship fund for first-generation college students at the University of Colorado.


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