Shimer College Wiki
Davenport Daily Leader.1896-07-13.A Celebrated Will Case

This is the ocr text of an article from page 1 of the Monday, July 13, 1896 issue of the Davenport Daily Leader titled "A Celebrated Will Case".


Comes to on Abrupt End by the Jury Set;ing it Aside.

A suit to break the will of the late Dr. Hmiy Shimer. of Mt. Carroll. lias been, on using considerable exefcement ia Carrull county. The term? of r:ie will provide cochins' for Ins mother, who is ninety~one years eld. and his sifter, but leaves an estate amounting <o about $20(1,0W tv his wife with whom he has not lived for year?. Mr. Sbimer -‘ommiued subdUe a year ago and the

iretort will is dated five days bt-fore his death. Many l*Mieve he was insane at the time he made his will*

This famous -Shimer will ease wisicti has Iktti on trial before Judge Carv f*r at Mount Carroll for three weeks eioied Thursday the jury bringing iji a vculict *hnt Dr. Shimer was <A unsound mind h*' executed his will July 27. W)j. and setting it. aside. 'Hie dortor left an estate o! about nearly all of

which was bermeathed to M\. Carroll seminary a small proportion £oh’.£ 10 hi? wife. v:ho hud bren of she

institution for nearly fifty years, hut wr h whom h*' had not lived r*r so:u»*

• ■^irs. Dr. Shun* ;■ \v~xs an •••*eentri‘* -nisri*'-:* :•. and five day? aft«»r h*' madt* his will he committed *ul‘»de. His iReliKT and sister. w};o live in Penn,'/J-vanin. brought in** sui: to break the will soon aft«*r h:s death, and. as a result of tfte V'-rdiet. will pnn^liiv z>". :jKtr share of the estate if the bicher

• ourt sustains th-‘ v* r*!b-t, Th^r- wn.; a rt»nia!!'■*’ <^nnect*'d wi;h th'’ making

»i this for;w:s<\ Forty y^ars r»?co I>r. Sh;:n*’r was in U»v** wiih a jiirl who *.f^ rwurd di«-d. Later h^ was in Iowa. :i:j 1 h** her sjdri: e.:m»v to *hiru

.n \ ‘.-’d hiii! to buy a tract of i>r«*iv'-“;y. .pi -,v*«ii‘h a would ri,-e. i 1" d'd

| -arj and l^Cir: 3\irk v.<i« afvrward buii', Irvr**. brinjrinc him his w^nlth. I>:sr— iac lif<" he had irivrn mu^h to Mi. ‘"a.-:-. HI s> mi nary, which in.-uir.rt i.-> r.o* :h<- s-nHane*' <>f Chirac** ttni-

v^r.-jjy. ar.d i*. b>?cs much by the v' r-

UrtWi -rtJic*
