Shimer College Wiki
Ann Cornell

Full name

Ann Weiser Cornell

Presence at Shimer



University of Chicago 1975


Mount Carroll period alum

Ann Weiser Cornell was a student at Shimer College during the Mount Carroll period, attending in the 1960s. She was the daughter of faculty member and Dean David Weiser.

Brief description[]

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Ann Weiser Cornell is a leading practitioner and theorist of the psychological discipline of focusing. She is particularly known for her own technique known as Inner Relationship Focusing, or IRF. Her works include The Power of Focusing (1996) and The Radical Acceptance of Everything (2005).} She received her undergraduate education at Shimer College, and her graduate education at the University of Chicago, where in the course of pursuing her Ph.D. in linguistics she became involved with Eugene Gendlin's work on focusing. In the 1980s she co-facilitated many workshops with Gendlin and rose to prominence as a teacher of focusing. In keeping with her doctoral specialization, Cornell is particularly known for her work on the language of focusing. (from Shimer College Wiki)

