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Robert Rodriguez

Full name

Robert A. Rodriguez

Presence at Shimer



Shimer College 2003


Waukegan period alum

Robert Rodriguez was a student at Shimer College in the late Waukegan period, graduating in 2003.



Brief description[]

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Robert Rodriguez is an American historian of popular culture specializing in the Beatles. His numerous books include Fab Four FAQ and Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'roll . The prolific Rodriguez received his bachelor's degree from Shimer College, a Great Books school that operates a weekend degree program for working adults. (from Shimer College Wiki)


  • The 1950s' Most Wanted™
  • Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'roll
  • Fab Four FAQ
  • Fab Four FAQ 2.0
  • The Beatles: Fifty Fabulous Years


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This page is part of the Shimer College Wiki, an independent documentation project. Shimer College, the Great Books college of Chicago, is not responsible for its content.
