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Patrick Murfin

Full name

Patrick Mills Murfin

Alternative names

Patrick M. Murfin

Presence at Shimer


Presence on Earth

March 17–


Mount Carroll period alum

Patrick Murfin was a student at Shimer College during the Mount Carroll period, listed with the class year of 1968.

Brief description[]

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Patrick Murfin (b. 1949) is a historian and poet based in the Chicago area. His works include We Build Temples in the Heart and The I.W.W.: Its First Seventy Years, 1905-1975, coauthored with Fred Thompson. Murfin is a prolific blogger, and is active in the Unitarian church and Democratic party. He received his undergraduate education at Shimer College, a small Great Books school, and at Columbia College Chicago; however, in his words, "I escaped both institutions without a degree of any kind." (from Shimer College Wiki)




Further reading[]

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This page is part of the Shimer College Wiki, an independent documentation project. Shimer College, the Great Books college of Chicago, is not responsible for its content.
