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Bobbie Groth

Full name

Barbara J. Groth

Alternative names

Bobbie Groth

Presence at Shimer


Presence on Earth



Shimer College 1974


National Lewis University 1983


Meadville Lombard Theological School 1994


Mount Carroll period alum, Waukegan period staff

Bobbie Groth was a student at Shimer College in the late Mount Carroll period, graduating in 1974. She returned to work in the admissions department in the 1980s.[1]

Brief description[]

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Bobbie Groth (b. 1953) is a Unitarian Universalist historian and minister, and a professor of sociology at Alverno College. She is a contributor to the Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography, and her own works include The Incredible Story of Ephraim Nute (2011), the story of a Unitarian minister and his congregation caught in the midst of the "Bleeding Kansas" strife of the 1850s. Groth received her undergraduate education from Shimer College, a Great Books school, where she enrolled via the early entrance program and studied abroad at Oxford University. In addition to her Shimer degree, Groth holds an MS from National Lewis University and a D.Min. from the Meadville/Lombard Theological School. (from Shimer College Wiki)





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